Weekly 5: Report calls for boating industry growth through 2018

The BI Weekly 5 is a collection of tips, news and data affecting the boating industry this week. Be sure to look for the BI Weekly 5 every Tuesday on BoatingIndustry.com.



1. Report calls for boating industry growth through 2018


A report from Research and Markets predicts a 4.5 percent compounded annual growth rate through 2018 for the global marine market.

The report focuses on the composite needs of the market specifically, but calls for a total market size of $23.8 billion by 2018

2. Opinion: One more Obamacare headache for small business


Rep. Sam Graves, R-Mo., recently wrote an opinion piece about the struggles small businesses are facing with implementing “Obamacare.” He points out most notably the challenges in accounting for employees.

3. Ethanol: An alternate view


It’s always good to know what those on the other side of an issue are saying. Last week, senators Dianne Feinstein, D- Calif., and Tom Coburn, R-Ok., introduced the Corn Ethanol Mandate Elimination Act of 2013, which was widely hailed by the marine industry.

Here’s what ethanol producers have to say about the bill.

4. Subject lines to boost your email marketing


The words you use in your email marketing can have a big effect on whether or not that message gets opened. MarketingProfs shares the results of a recent MailChimp report on some of the best words.  Some key advice: announcement and invitation are good; reminder is not.

5. Five things missing from your employee handbook


When’s the last time you updated your employee handbook? Does it have everything it needs?

The NFIB offers some advice on five things that are probably missing from that important document.

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