At the helm: Scoring with service – The boating tie that binds

The cover of this issue takes a visual approach to presenting the best young leaders in the marine industry.

The individuals who appear within this highly popular section are a unique group. 

We ask each member of our 40 Under 40 group to complete a background questionnaire. One of the initial questions deals with the individual’s first job.

This year’s 40 trendsetters come from a variety of employment backgrounds. Information about their first jobs is interesting and extremely entertaining to read, with dedication to service being a common theme.

“I feel like an important part of my development was holding just about every job in the dealership.  While it wasn’t fun at the time, it was an invaluable learning experience,” wrote one of this year’s Boating Industry 40 Under 40 nominees.

Fueling up boats, pumping out holding tanks, pulling weeds, learning to lasso dock lines, detailing boats, and scraping barnacles off hulls builds character. 

“Growing up I spent a lot of time painting bottoms and cleaning boats,” wrote another 40 Under 40 nominee. “I have worked through all the jobs that are required to run our business and still do. I still paint bottoms or detail boats, and do whatever is needed to get the job done right and on time.”  

For others, being part of a family business during the summer months helped kick-start a career in the marine industry. 

With that thought in mind, this year’s 40 Under 40 includes a number of individuals who took different approaches with service-related first jobs. 

Several scooped ice cream, delivered pizzas or newspapers. Some spent time down on the farm, quickly learning the importance of a strong work ethic.

One Boating Industry 40 Under 40 nominee mentioned her first job working at a wedding dress boutique. Another paid his dues in the restaurant industry.

And for many, family ties were mentioned as strong and invaluable.  

“My first job at the marina was picking up trash and counting out minnows for customers,” one nominee recalled. “My Dad was my boss. I continued to work at the marina every summer until I graduated from high school. I cleaned houseboats, pumped gas, worked in the marina store, and picked up trash.”

The word score came to mind as I pondered a concluding take on Boating Industry’s 40 Under 40 theme and the process used to gather this year’s applications.

Originally, the word meant keeping count of something by making notches in a tally stick. Score can also be used when something of value is gained or obtained.

Getting to know this year’s 40 trendsetters will be worth your while as a reader. You’ll learn about the importance of scoring with service, and create a personal tie that binds.   


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