White House report supports key priority for recreational boating industry

The White House released an updated report, Recent Progress at Our Ports: Moving Cargo and Filling Shelves, which tracks how well the nation’s transportation and logistics supply chain is handling the increase in demand for goods as we recover from the pandemic.
The updated report supports the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021 (OSRA 2021), a bipartisan bill sponsored by Representative John Garamendi (D-CA-03) and Representative Dusty Johnson (R-SD), which includes first steps toward the type of longer-term reform to shipping laws that would strengthen America’s global competitiveness.
OSRA 2021 is a key priority for the recreational boating industry as marine manufacturers continue to face supply chain disruptions. Industry members are invited to take action on the industry’s grassroots platform, Boating United, and urge their members of Congress to pass OSRA 2021.
NMMA is urging members to visit Boating United to write members of Congress, and ask them to stand by the recreational boating industry by passing OSRA 2021 to address longstanding, systemic supply chain and port disruption issues and support economic recovery.