Grow Boating, MRAA launch part II of first-time boat shopper course
As part of its educational partnership, Grow Boating and MRAA are now offering the second course – Selling to First-Time Boat Shoppers’ Motivations – in a three-part series of e-learning courses, which can be viewed at
The purpose of the series, Grow Your Dealership with First-Time Boat Buyers, is to transform Discover Boating’s research of first-time boat buyers into education, tools and resources that can help marine retailers and their employees provide a customer experience that will lead to more boat sales now and in the future.
“To grow boating and ultimately boost sales, businesses must continue attracting, and retaining, first-time boat buyers. With educational resources focused on this segment, businesses will be better equipped to lead shoppers on a customized path to purchase,” says Carl Blackwell, president of Grow Boating. “That is why Grow Boating teamed up with MRAA to offer educational programming that is grounded in sound research on this critical audience. Participants will come out of this e-learning course with a clear understanding of the first-time boat buyer as well as applicable takeaways to provide the best experience for shoppers.”
This second course in the series, taught by leading dealership trainer Jim Million, provides specific guidance for dealership salespeople on how to identify what motivates their prospects and customers, and use the information they’ve gathered about their prospective buyer to provide an outstanding shopping and purchase experience.
The third part in the series, Tools to Turn First-Time Boat Shoppers into Buyers, will be officially unveiled at Dealer Week December 8-11 in Tampa.