Correct Craft CEO to chair Interior Department’s recreation advisory panel

Bill Yeargin, president and CEO of Correct Craft was elected to serve as Chair of the Department of the Interior’s “Made in America” Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee (ORAC) – a board comprised of recreation industry representatives that counsels Interior Secretary David Bernhardt on policies to expand access to and improve infrastructure on public lands and waterways.
“Bill is a true champion of outdoor recreation and boating and his unparalleled knowledge of how government intersects with our industry makes him an invaluable asset to ORAC’s work,” said Nicole Vasilaros, NMMA’s senior vice president of government and legal affairs. “We congratulate Bill on his selection and look forward to all the great things the panel will accomplish under his leadership.”
“I hope to help our country by working with the all-star ORAC committee to identify ways we can help more Americans enjoy outdoor recreation,” said Yeargin. “This is good for the outdoor recreation industry, boating and, most importantly, the people who are having their lives and relationships enriched through outdoor recreation…I appreciate Secretary Bernhardt helping us highlight this critical element of our economy and the American lifestyle.”
The committee’s duties include making recommendations on policies and programs that:
- Expand and improve visitor infrastructure developed through public-private partnerships;
- Implement sustainable operations embracing fair, efficient and convenient fee collection and strategic use of the collected fees;
- Improve interpretation using technology; and
- Create better tools and/or opportunities for Americans to discover their lands and waters.
Congrats Bill. Good luck moving the needle with DOI.