MRAA accepts ACMA resolutions
OAK PARK, Ill. – The Marine Retailers Association of America will work to promote lifejacket use and careers as marine technicians and mechanics in response to two resolutions passed at its November convention, the group said in a release today.
The Advisory Council of Marine Associations met Nov. 9 in Las Vegas, and the twenty-three members in attendance spent the day discussing a long list of legislative and regulatory issues that the recreational boating industry faces and will have to continue to address during 2005. Ten different states presented various issues that were specific to their members.
At the conclusion of the ACMA meeting, two resolutions were made and approved and then forwarded to the MRAA Board of Directors for their approval. The resolutions were as follows:
Therefore, we the members of ACMA recommend to the MRAA Board of Directors that the Association endorse and encourage all boat shows and regional trade associations join in promoting life jacket use;
Also that MRAA request the PFMA examine the possibility of displays, support and guidance in promoting increased life jacket usage.
Now, therefore, the members of ACMA recommend to the MRAA Board of Directors that the Association consider creating a brochure, which can be used in schools and similar institutions calling attention to the opportunities to train and work in the exciting field of pleasure boating.
MRAA’s Board approved both resolutions and will work diligently to see that the requested action items are completed in a timely fashion.
“As always, ACMA’s resolutions offer clear paths to MRAA to address important issues affecting our industry,” said Glenn Mazzella, MRAA chairman. “Our association will embark immediately on these two projects.”
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