IMI elects board members, officers
JUPITER, Fla. – The International Marina Institute has elected three new members to its Board of Directors and seven officers, it reported in a recent statement.
George Bassett, Jeff D’Albora, and Andy Sturner were newly named to the board, and Bill Yeargin was re-elected. All will serve three-year terms. Existing board members Mick Bettesworth, Richard Golding, Gregg Kenney, Alex Laidlaw, Dennis Nixon, John Schoppmann, and Gregg Smith, will remain on the board.
The Board of Directors elected the slate of officers for 2004. Gregg Kenney was named chairman of the board and president; Mick Bettesworth was chosen as vice president; Alex Laidlaw was elected secretary; and Andy Sturner was named treasurer.
Dennis Nixon, Richard Golding, and Gregg Smith were appointed to the committee that will oversee the transition in the management and merger agreement between IMI and the Marina Operators Association of America, which was announced October 29.
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