Marquis Yachts announces new strategic vision

As part of the recent sale of its Larson Boat assets to Polaris Industries, the Pulaski, Wisconsin builder of Marquis, Carver and Lexus Yachts has announced a strategic reorganization. Under the guidance of President and CEO, Rob Parmentier, the company will now concentrate exclusively in the luxury yacht segment through its continued expansion of the Carver Yachts brand and relaunch of its Marquis brand with a new line of sport yachts. In addition, the company will continue its partnership with Lexus, the luxury automaker and will introduce its first production Lexus Luxury Yacht in the fall of 2019.
“Based upon years of successfully building European styled boats, and our recent partnership with Lexus Yachts, our company is in an excellent position to capitalize on the growing world-wide market for luxury sport yachts,” Parmentier said.
Parmentier went on to say that since the company is no longer in the small boat business, Marquis Yachts LLC will now be able to concentrate the efforts of all its skilled employees and resources to these three brands which best fit the evolving global marine market. The expected result is increased market share and profitability, he said.
As a consequence of its strategic realignment, a new Marquis 42 will be introduced at the 2019 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show (FLIBS) to be followed by 50- and 60-foot models currently in the planning stage.
In conjunction with Nuvolari-Lenard, more than 20-years ago Marquis Yachts was one of the first boats, if not the first, to use European designs and look from an American boat manufacturer. Once again, Marquis will introduce a new line of boats taking shape right now to be the first American builder to design, engineer and build an upscale, assertive and stylish “day boat” with striking lines and shape. As announced in July, these new day boats will relaunch the Marquis brand.
Set to be introduced at FLIBS is the new 65-foot Lexus flybridge. The Lexus is built in Marquis’ Pulaski facility with distribution to be handled through select Marquis and Carver Yachts dealers. A coupe version will follow a few months after the launch of the LY650.
A new 46 Carver Command Bridge is on the drawing board scheduled to appear in early 2020. This new Carver design will set the stage and direction for the Carver models to follow.
“This aggressive expansion of new models and the redefining of existing brands, is now possible because of this important strategic refocus of who we are and what we do,” Parmentier said. “Marquis Yachts LLC will continue to be a significant marine industry player as we go forward.”
Marquis Yachts,
While owning one of your beautiful yachts is still a goal on mine, I do have a request for your company to consider when designing future versions. I have lived in the Chicago area all my life and intend to spend the nice weather months here, even if I Winter in Florida. So the ultimate for me would be to enjoy the great lakes during the Summer and take the loop down to South Florida during the Winter. I love your balance between sport and cruiser, the only problem is the “fixed” command bridge height limits the size boat that could make the loop without hitting the few low bridges along the way. Being that you are based in Wisconsin and are fellow Lake Michiganders I am hoping you will take on this challenge. Bottomline, I want to see the largest, most stylish Marquis yacht possible that could navigate the loop.
Keep up the nice work Marquis!!