Trade Policy, E15 and Modern Fish Act take center stage at ABC
The 2018 American Boating Congress (ABC) kicked off yesterday with a hard look at the industry’s top priorities, as the recreational boating industry faces major policy decisions coming to a head this summer.
ABC hosted nine Issue Workshops, covering everything from the Modern Fish Act and stopping the year-round sale of E15, to defending our industry from domestic and global tariffs. The Issue Workshops were a primer for today’s conference Hill Meetings, where attendees will meet with members of Congress and their staff to discuss the issues.
Other highlights of day one of ABC included the Welcome Lunch, featuring the Eddie Smith Manufacturer of the Year presentation, which honored Mike Nussman, former President and CEO of the American Sportfishing Association (ASA), for his leadership in conservation. The luncheon also featured guest speaker Joyce Beatty (OH-3).
Day one capped off with the Recreational Angling & Boating Reception.Today marks part one of ABC’s General Session featuring several congressional speakers, the Hill Meetings, a special Millennial Happy Hour, and the annual Networking Reception at award-winning restaurant, Arroz.
Access the complete 2018 ABC schedule here.