ABYC publishes updated standards for building and repair

The American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) announced it has published its 64th supplement of the Standards and Technical Information Reports for Small Craft. This annual publication provides the international marine industry with the latest updates to boat building and repair standards used for more than 90% of boats constructed in North America. This year’s supplement includes comprehensive updates to 10 standards and two technical information reports, introducing numerous safety enhancements addressing critical areas related to navigation lights, attachment points and visibility from the helm.

“ABYC actively collaborates with industry stakeholders, including boat builders, equipment manufacturers and regulatory bodies, to ensure the standards in Supplement 64 are practical, relevant, and aligned with global requirements while maintaining a high level of safety,” said Brian Goodwin, ABYC technical director. “This year, for example, we updated H-1, Field of Vision from the Helm Position. The ability of the boat operator to see their surroundings is a critical safety element. Simply put, you cannot avoid what you cannot see.”

“Additionally, the ABYC Hull and Deck Structures Project Technical Committee conducted an in-depth study of the attachment points on boats for water skiing, wakeboarding and inflatable water toys. This multiyear project captured actual loads for these activities. The result is an installed performance test for these attachment points in the revised H-40, Anchoring, Mooring, and Strong Points.”

ABYC members can access the standards and technical tools on ABYC’s website via the standards library or on the ABYC Store.

Updated standards and technical information reports include:

  • A-16, Installation of Electric Navigation Lights
  • A-22, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Systems
  • A-28, Galvanic Isolators
  • H-1, Field of Vision from the Helm Position
  • H-3, Exterior Windows, Windshields, Hatches, Doors, Portlights, and Glazing Materials
  • H-29, Canoes and Kayaks
  • H-40, Anchoring, Mooring, and Strong Points
  • P-4, Marine Inboard Engines and Transmissions
  • C-5, Construction and Testing of Electric Navigation Lights
  • C-1500, Ignition Protection Test Methods for Marine Products
  • T-17, Compass Installation
  • T-24, Owner/Operator’s Manuals

ABYC’s Standards and Technical Information Reports for Small Craft serves as a reference point for manufacturers, boatyards and industry professionals. A recent independent study confirmed that boats built to ABYC standards are up to 47% less likely to be involved in certain types of accidents, and adherence to the standards may reduce fatalities by up to 58%.

On Aug. 14, ABYC will host a complimentary webinar, offering an overview of the updated standards and the available compliance resources. These resources are designed to assist the industry in proactively meeting the demands of the 2026 model year requirements.

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