IBEX accepting 2024 Innovation Awards entries

The International BoatBuilders’ Exhibition and Conference (IBEX) will be hosting the IBEX Innovation Awards program during this year’s event, taking place October 1-3 in Tampa. The program, judged by Boating Writers International (BWI), is one of the marine industry’s most prestigious honors recognizing manufacturers and suppliers who bring new, innovative products to market.
The Innovation Awards program presented at IBEX, features 14 marine trade product categories. New product entries are now being accepted through August 21.
IBEX Innovation Award entrants and honorees will receive the following:
- Product review before eight marine journalists
- All product entries will be presented onsite along Innovation Way during all three days of the show
- All products will be featured online through the Innovation Awards Showcase
- All entrant companies will be recognized in the print and digital show directory
- A dedicated press release with the winning companies will be sent once awards are announced
- Post-show social media exposure for all winning products/exhibiting companies
- Post-show exposure through IBEX 365 for all winning products/exhibiting companies
Learn more about the program by visiting https://www.ibexshow.com/innovation-awards-exhibitors/ or contact NMMA’s Rachel Harmon at rharmon@nmma.org.