Legend Boats partners with Boat Fix

Canadian boat manufacturer Legend has announced it will be adding a tracking and monitoring service through a strategic partnership with Boat Fix, an American telematics provider. It will be available to customers starting in January. 

With Boat Fix, Legend customers will have the ability to see the location of their boat and monitor systems, including battery levels and bilge pumps, remotely via an app. The app also has theft prevention capabilities.

“The Boat Fix app is incredibly useful and easy to use, and the surefire reliability of their telematics hardware is so important for the convenience of our customers and the protection of their Legend Boats,” said Jamie Dewar, Legend Boat’s Co-CEO.

“We looked at a lot of telematics providers and had a lot of options,” added Maurice Beland, Director of Innovation at Legend. “Delivering a combination of advanced technology and impeccable service, Boat Fix was unlike anything we had tested. We put them through the ringer, calling throughout the night and really pushing the service. Their 24/7 availability on the phone, fast human response times to alarm support and the quality of service really impressed us.”

“Legend was clearly the partner we wanted to work with for our first major international partnership,” said Boat Fix Founder Alastair Crawford. “Telematics is the buzz of the auto industry, but the boating world still needs to catch up. Jamie and Marc [Duhamel] have been at the forefront of innovation in the Canadian marine space and they recognized from the start that there was a massive opportunity to lead the charge here.”

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