KnowWake announces new business portal

KnowWake, a first-of-its-kind, free waterway navigation app powered by real-time updates from the community, announced the official launch of its Business Portal and KnowWake Ads. With over 8,000 businesses and points-of-interest (POIs) currently available to be claimed, business owners can now increase their visibility and connect with new and existing customers.
This B2B tool focuses on mobile-advertising, gaining customer attention at a local and regional level, and providing advertisers control of their location and brand on the KnowWake platform.
Comparable to Waze or Google Maps, KnowWake creates an easy way to find dockside and waterfront destinations available by boat. Users can locate everything from marinas, restaurants, dive shops, services, yacht clubs, sandbars, snorkel areas and much more.
Similar to claiming a business through Google My Business, business owners can create a profile within the KnowWake Business Portal, allowing them to claim an existing business directly on the app or KnowWake’s website. A simple process is also in place for adding a new business not already listed. Customization opportunities are
endless and advertisers can add any call-to-action, link, or special offer to promote their business.
“We want business owners to attract customers already on KnowWake that are looking for places to go and things to do.” said KnowWake founder, Dan Karsko. “KnowWake Ads sets up in less than five minutes and gives advertisers the ability to place a pin on their exact business location. This is especially helpful for restaurants that share dock space and marinas with fuel and transient docks.”
Home to one of the world’s largest networks of boaters navigating together, KnowWake’s mission is to improve the entire experience on the water by making it safer and more enjoyable for all.
To get started claiming or adding your business, please visit the KnowWake Business Portal. To download KnowWake, please visit or visit the app store.