RBFF to participate in annual ‘Casting Call’
ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The Recreational Boating Fishing Foundation says it will participate in the Jim Range National Casting Call and Family Youth Casting Call events, which call attention to youth, fishing and boating.
The purpose of the events is two-fold. They offer a venue for top national decision-makers to learn firsthand about fisheries management and of public, private and educational entities working together to improve the health of our watersheds and fisheries. They also offer hands-on demonstrations and classes to introduce kids to fishing.
RBFF President and CEO Frank Peterson will be on site to discuss the importance of connecting kids with nature and increasing participation in boating and fishing.
“It’s critical that we increase participation in fishing and boating and engage young people in outdoor activities,” said Peterson. “Participation helps preserve our nation’s waterways for future generations and, as the top ‘gateway’ activity, fishing spurs involvement in other outdoor interests.”
The event, based in Washington, D.C., is hosted by the American Fly Fishing Trade Association and dozens of other fisheries conservation entities. It will take place on April 15 and 16 at Fletchers’ Cove, C Canal National Historical Park.
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