ABBRA elects 2011 directors
WARREN, R.I. — The American Boat Builders & Repairers Association (ABBRA) elected its 2011 officers and directors at the annual ABBRA Members Meeting recently held during the International Marina & Boatyard Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Pamela Lendzion of MarineTec Management will serve her first year as President of the Board of Directors. She will be joined by fellow officers John Fitzgerald of Saunders Yachtworks, acting as Vice-President; Peter Sabo of Camachee Yacht Yard, serving as Treasurer; Graham Wright, acting as Secretary; and Doug Domenie of Brewer Dauntless Shipyard, filling the role of Past-President.
New Board Members include: Mike O’Leary of Knight and Carver Yacht Center; Ron Gift of Charleston City Boatyard; and Patience Cohn representing Marine Industries Association of South Florida.
Directors who are returning to the ABBRA Board for another term include: Doug Domenie, Pamela Lendzion, Jack Stumborg, Charles Teran, Michael Keyworth, Joseph Parks, Randy Ramsey and Peter Sabo.
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