CHICAGO – The Marine Retailers Association of America Board of Directors has approved six resolutions on legislative issues and other activities given by the Advisory Council of Marine Associations at the MRAA annual convention last November, it reported in a recent statement.
ACMA, an organization of regional, state, and local marine trades associations, which meets annually at the MRAA convention to review legislative activity and potential legislative topics for the upcoming year, made a series of recommendations to the MRAA Board.
The following list summarizes the ACMA resolutions:
That MRAA support all efforts to retain current federal ethanol gasoline additive standards of E10 and oppose any attempts to increase additive levels beyond that level due to “the destructive nature of ethanol to marine engine systems and the resulting safety considerations to vessel passengers,”
That MRAA recognize the leadership efforts of the National Marine Manufacturers Association’s Washington office in the successful passage of the Clean Boating Act;
That MRAA continue to support efforts of the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators and other boating safety organizations to standardize boating safety education and work with the U.S. Coast Guard and Congress to pass a national boating safety education standard that will enhance the reciprocity of education acceptance between states; and
That MRAA support the joint resolution passed by NASBLA and the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies memberships on the re-authorization of the legislation formerly known as Wallop-Breaux and, in addition, support expansion of the Clean Vessel Act to include education programs and equipment purchased by marinas to comply with state Clean Marina programs, and support additional funds for the outreach programs Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation.
In addition, ACMA asked MRAA to continue to work with the Grow Boating Program and NMMA to ensure its disbursement of funds to dealers continue in an appropriate way and to do appropriate due diligence with appropriate individuals and organizations to research and analyze the feasibility of a national boating credit union, according to MRAA.
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