Nanotechnology slims Yamaha PWCs
For its 2008 PWC models, Yamaha reformulated the Sheet Molding Compound, the material it uses to mold its hulls, decks and liners.
Previously, all Yamaha’s SMC was formulated with three ingredients — resin, fiberglass and a filler material, calcium carbonate. The ingredients are formed into a sheet, known as a “charge pattern,” which is laid inside a mold, bombarded with heat and pressure, and ultimately formed into the makings of a PWC. With the previous calcium carbonate, molecules formed weaker “butt” joints, smacking up against each other like gumballs in a vending machine. As a result, they took up more space and their bulk resulted in added weight. Using nanotechnology, Yamaha has replaced this filler with clay, which can be exfoliated into layers at a molecular level. The material can then be layered like thin, interlocking bricks, forming stronger “lap” or “shear” joints thanks to the increased surface area. The result is Yamaha’s FX hull now weighs 25 percent less, upping the power-to-weight ratio and allowing it to accelerate harder, burn less fuel and display new handling characteristics.
Yamaha calls the new material NanoXcel, and it will be used on the hulls, decks and liners of the FX Super High Output and Super High Output Cruiser, in addition to the existing FX High Output and FX High Output Cruiser.