McInnis recognizes industry’s CO awareness efforts
WASHINGTON D.C. — Congressman Scott McInnis of Colorado added an amendment to the U.S. Coast Guard Authorization Bill that formally recognizes the collaborative efforts of marine manufacturers, the Coast Guard, and the American Boat & Yacht Council to address health risks associated with carbon monoxide on and around boats, the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) reported in an article yesterday.
The amendment was inserted in the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2003, H.R. 2443, a bill designed “to authorize appropriations for the Coast Guard for fiscal year 2004, to amend various laws administered by the Coast Guard, and for other purposes,” according to the association.
“The recreational marine industry appreciates Congressman McInnis’ recognition of our diligent efforts to educate boaters on the risks associated with carbon monoxide, enforce unsafe boating practices, and further technological research to engineer away any and all carbon monoxide incidents,” said Monita W. Fontaine, vice president of government relations for the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA).”This congressional amendment sends a strong message to all boaters that the U.S. Coast Guard, the American Boat & Yacht Council and recreational boat manufacturers must continue to do everything possible to prevent carbon monoxide poisonings on or around boats.”
The NMMA continues to be closely involved in various public awareness efforts, including the campaign initiated this year by the Coast Guard. NMMA assisted by creating and widely distributing informational materials, including posters and brochures, to marinas, ranger stations and the boating public, the association stated.
Carbon monoxide, or CO, is a potentially deadly gas produced anytime a carbon-based fuel, such as gasoline, burns. Carbon monoxide sources on boats include gasoline engines and generators, cooking ranges, space heaters and water heaters.
To view the McInnis Amendment, click here.
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