BWI announces winners of annual writing contest
MIAMI, Fla. — Marine journalists were recognized today in the 16th Annual Boating Writers International writing contest, BWI said in a statement. Awards in 16 categories representing $16,000 in prizes were announced at the Miami International Boat Show.
Recipients received a plaque and $500 for first place, $300 for second place and $200 for third place, according to BWI. Winning writers also move into another round of competition that will select a grand prize winner for the year.
The contest attracted 456 entries, all published in 2008, from 161 participants. Each of the 16 categories was judged by four active journalists.
According to BWI, the results were:
1. Boating Columns – sponsored by KVH Industries, Inc.
1st place, “On Watch” by Cap’n Fatty Goodlander (Cruising World); 2nd place, “Osprey’s Flight” by Wendy Mitman Clarke (Cruising World); 3rd place, “Under Way” by William Sisson (Soundings).
2. Boating Lifestyles – sponsored by
1st place, “Shell Game” by Robert Stephens (Boating Life, April); 2nd place, “Got a Light?” by Marty LeGrand (Chesapeake Bay, May); 3rd place, “You Can Go Home Again” by Tania Aebi (Cruising World, Oct.).
3. Boating Profiles – sponsored by ZF Marine.
1st, “Cruising at 80” by Herb McCormick (Cruising World, June); 2nd, “Old Tricks, New Dogs” by Angus Phillips (Cruising World, July); 3rd, “Let’s Launch a Magazine” by Cindy Christian Rogers (Good Old Boat, Jul/Aug.).
4. Boating Travel or Destinations – sponsored by Island Global Yachting.
1st, “Vive La Nouvelle – Caledonie” by Alvah Simon (Cruising World, May); 2nd, “Blues Traveler” by Daniel Long (Boating, May); 3rd, “Across the Dividing Sea” by Jim Carrier (Cruising World, Aug.).
5. Boating Adventures – sponsored by Discover Boating.
1st, “Voyage of Discovery” by George Sass, Sr. (Yachting, Aug.); 2nd, “Promise of the Cork” by Nonnie Thompson (Dockside, Feb.); 3rd, “Land Ho, Mexico” by George Sass, Sr. (Power Cruising, Mar/Apr.).
6. Boat/Engine Care and Maintenance – sponsored by Interlux Yacht Finishes.
1st, “What the Eel Revealed …” by Tom Neale (Soundings, Jan.); 2nd, “Stern Makeover” by Marlin Bree (The Ensign, Mar/Apr.); 3rd, “Demystifying Diesel Maintenance” by Chris Cornell (Power Cruising, Jan/Feb.).
7. Electronics – sponsored by Jeppesen Marine (formerly C-Map/USA).
1st, “Hunt for U-869” by Pete McDonald (Boating, Dec.); 2nd, “Communication Revolution” by Lisa Knapp (Dockwalk, Oct.); 3rd, “Using a Mobile Phone Aboard” by Karen & Jeffrey Siegel (Mad Mariner, June 20).
8. Ethics and Environment – sponsored by BoatU.S. Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water.
1st, “Shark Spotting” by Wendy Mitman Clarke (Chesapeake Bay, Nov.); 2nd, “Limulus Lately” by Wendy Mitman Clarke (Chesapeake Bay, Feb.); 3rd, “Fishing for the Future?” by Dick Russell (Northeast Boating, Sept.).
9. Fishing – sponsored by Suzuki Motor Corporation.
1st, “Ugly Glory” by Pete McDonald (Boating, March); 2nd, “Home Schooled” by Robert Stephens (Boating Life, Feb.); 3rd, “Release ‘Em Right” by Ron Ballanti (Sport Fishing, Aug.).
10. Boating Issues, News and Analysis – sponsored by Mercury Marine.
1st, “Security Alert” by David Liscio (Northeast Boating, March); 2nd, “Keel Failures Prompt Call for Oversight” by Doug Campbell (Soundings, Sept.); 3rd, “Horn of Africa Piracy at Boiling Point” by Jim Flannery (Soundings, Dec.).
11. The Business of Boating – sponsored by Home Port Marine Marketing.
1st, “The Fall of Ft. Lauderdale” by Lisa Knapp (Dockwalk, Jan.); 2nd, “Getting the Shot” by Jennifer Chesak (Trophy Magazine, Spring); 3rd, “Job Longevity” by Lisa Knapp (Dockwalk, June). “A good writer leads the reader down a path filled with contention, evidence, and possibilities,” notes judge chair David Seidman.
12. Seamanship, Rescue & Safety – sponsored by Sea Tow Services International.
1st, “Rescue in the Southern Ocean” by Marianne Scott (Northwest Yachting, March); 2nd, “Courage of the Sole Survivor” by Marlin Bree (The Ensign, Sept/Oct.); 3rd, “29 Minutes” by Martha Laguardia-Kotite (, Nov.25).
13. Technical Writing – sponsored by Dometic Corp. – Environmental.
1st, “Slam Dancing” by Eric Colby (Boating, Feb.); 2nd, “Big Water Boats” by George Sass, Sr. (Ocean Explorer handbook – annual); 3rd, “Packing on Pounds” by Jeff Hemmel (Boating, March).
14. Boat Tests – sponsored by Volvo Penta.
1st, “Lion’s Whelp” by Stacey Collins (Cruising World, Aug.); 2nd, “Stacking Up Strong” by Grant Rafter (Power & Motoryacht, June); 3rd, “Wake-Up Call” by Jeff Hemmel (Boating, June).
15. Gear, Electronics and Product Tests – sponsored by Xantrex Technology Inc.
1st, “The Spot Messenger” by Frank Lanier (Practical Sailor, Sept.); 2nd, “Side Imaging Sonar” by Lenny Rudow (Texas Fish & Game, Nov.); 3rd, “Bluewater Gear: 9 Rafts Reviewed” by Mark Pillsbury (Cruising World, Nov.)
16. Megayachts – sponsored by Awlgrip North America.
1st, “Maxi’d Out” by Stuart Streuli (Sailing World, Nov/Dec.); 2nd, “Gallant Lady” by Louisa Beckett (The Megayachts USA, Sept.); 3rd, “Far East Meets Down East” by Chris Caswell (Yachting, Nov.).
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