IBEX opens 2023 registration

The International BoatBuilders’ Exhibition and Conference (IBEX) announced that registration for visitors is now available for this year’s show, set to take place October 3 – 5, 2023 at the recently renovated Tampa Convention Center. Owned and produced by the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) and RAI Amsterdam, IBEX is North America’s largest trade event for marine industry professionals.
IBEX 2023 gathers professionals from all segments of the marine industry and will offer visitors access to more than 680 exhibitors spread throughout three exhibit halls, docks, and outdoor displays. IBEX’s 1st and 2nd floor exhibit halls will showcase products and services from companies new to the Show and the industry, including the new Sustainable Technology Pavilion, featuring products designed to reduce carbon emissions, empower cleaner processes for propulsion, and promote a more sustainable future. The 3rd floor will feature Specialty Pavilions including the Composites Pavilion; the Compliance, Standards, and Education Pavilion; and the NMEA Connected Electronics Pavilion. The International Pavilions for 2023 will highlight Italian, French, and Australian exhibitors. New products entered in the Innovation Awards program will be on display along Innovation Way located on the 2nd floor of the Tampa Convention Center throughout the Show.
“Technology is advancing so quickly and there is no better place than IBEX for all marine professionals to see what’s new and what’s next for the boating industry,” said Anne Dunbar, IBEX Show Director. “Our exhibitors are eager to display their latest and greatest innovations, many with a significant WOW factor. We are confident it will be our best show in years.”
For marine professionals looking to stay abreast of the latest from industry experts on a multitude of topics, the IBEX Education Conference will return to provide world-class training and education. A free Special Session entitled The Carbon Conundrum will feature a panel of experienced naval architects, propulsion engineers, boatbuilders, and marketing experts to debate the virtues, practicalities, and shortcomings of different approaches to our collective low-carbon future. The IBEX Education Conference will include a full pre-conference day on Monday, October 2, and unparalleled technical training available in the Seminar Series, October 3-5. In addition, free Tech Talk Workshops will be held Tuesday and Wednesday in the Tech Talk Theater.
Other events to look forward to include Career Day, welcoming students from area technical training schools for a day of industry education and networking on Thursday, October 5. The always popular All-Industry Exhibit Hall Happy Hour is back for a fun networking opportunity during show hours. Throughout the days of the Show look for additional events such as the Industry Breakfast, Keynote, and Innovation Awards Presentation; Pitch the Press with a happy hour to follow; and a Mid-Show Mixer held outside at the expanded Sail Pavilion. A full schedule of Special Events can be found here.
Visitors and accredited press can click here for registration. For exhibitors looking to add booth staff, click here for exhibitor registration. Due to high demand and early bookings, Show management strongly recommends making hotel reservations soon by clicking here.
For more information on IBEX 2023, exhibiting companies, interactive exhibit hall floor plans, and more, please visit www.ibexshow.com.