Brunswick New York Mills operation receives state safety grant
Brunswick’s New York Mills Operation has received a $10,000 matching safety grant from Minnesota OSHA. The NYM Operation Safety Committee played a major part in the sourcing and writing of this grant application.
The purpose of the grant is to help businesses improve a process to be safer. The grant application was written for three CartMovers, which are motorized hand carts that can safely move up to 10 tons.
The carts are very compact for use in tight spaces and can handle inclines and other changes in a plant’s layout without excessive pushing or pulling.
The carts have handle bar controls with many safety features, including provisions for safely backing up. They are multi-directional and electrically powered with rechargeable batteries.
“These carts are designed to allow users to safely manipulate heavier loads and objects,” said Theresa Berns, safety committee member. “We believe using these carts will be significantly safer, and will result in better ergonomics to help further aid our employees.”
The New York Mills facility participates in the voluntary consultation program with the state. “We welcome OSHA into our workplace at any time; we tap into their resources for compliance and best practice questions, as well as their knowledge on specific safety training,” said Roger Cullen, safety manager.