KIDS in BOATING initiative issues first round of grants
The Massachusetts Marine Trades Educational Trust announced its initiative KIDS in BOATING has distributed its first round of grant awards. The KIDS in BOATING initiative issued seven grants totaling $6,600. The grants awarded ranged from $500 to $1,500.
The nonprofit grant recipients were:
- Bourne Community Boating –
- Sail Salem Community Boating –
- Atlantic White Shark Conservancy –
- Greater Fall River RE-CREATION –
- Save the Harbor / Save the Bay –
- Crossroads MA –
- Outward Bound / USCG Foundation –
The KIDS in BOATING grant program is designed to financially support non-profit youth programs in the state of Massachusetts. The KIDS in BOATING committee felt that these seven groups shared a common goal of getting more kids on the water in a safe and smart manner and deserved to receive a grant to assist in achieving this goal.
KIDS in BOATING sponsors include 3A Marine, Robalo Boats, MyTaskit, Hingham Shipyard Marinas and Newburyport Marinas.
For more information on this initiative including ways to help sponsor the initiative or to apply for a grant, visit the MMTA website.