Have you started your Top 100 application?
This week, we saw the first of our completed Top 100 applications start rolling in. Dealers have taken advantage of the opportunity to submit the application before the busiest part of the year rears its beautiful head.
While dealers who wait until the deadline have additional time, those who have already finished can check off an important item on their to-do list. Knowing how busy dealers are once summer hits, I can’t imagine trying to remember all of the things one did to improve their business in 2015 while trying to keep things running smoothly in 2016.
The beauty of the Top 100 application is that you can save as you go – fill in items incrementally and come back when you have more time – so you don’t have to sit down and crank it out in one day.
If you haven’t begun the process of applying for the Top 100, I would encourage you to do so. The editorial staff is always available to answer questions as you go along, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, editor-in-chief Jonathan Sweet or senior editor Liz Keener if you need something. We would much rather you ask and give you the help you need than have you start the application and not complete it.