Safe Harbor Marinas acquires Rybovich

Safe Harbor Marinas recently announced it has acquired Rybovich, a U.S. destination and service provider for the superyacht industry.
“We’re extremely excited about what this means for our people, our customers, and our partners,” said Wayne Huizenga Jr., owner and CEO of Rybovich. “We share with Safe Harbor a fundamental commitment to excellence in service and hospitality. We believe this transaction will allow us to deliver on that commitment at more and more locations over time.”
“Not only are our people continuing at Rybovich,” said Carlos Vidueira, who will oversee Safe Harbor’s superyacht marinas “but we will have access to more resources and a larger, growing network. Our commitment to our community, our team members and their families, and to the yacht owners, their captains and crews has never been stronger. We’ve been searching for the right way to serve them all from a larger platform and we’ve found it.”
“Our plan is to serve Rybovich with excellence so they, in turn, can do what they do so well at more locations throughout the country and perhaps the world,” said Baxter Underwood, CEO of Safe Harbor. “We are humbled and honored to be on their team.”
I Remember This Firm from when I was a young Kid. If I had been old enough I could’ve Been an apprentice in their Boat building Business. I still think the “Rybo” was and is the Most beautiful Fish Boat for charter. Their lines fit their environment!