Thomas Spirit wins award
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – has named the “Thomas Spirit,” a 115’ Christensen, the “2004 Mega Yacht Award Winner,” a release said recently.
The award is given to the yacht that had been meticulously maintained, and is in seemingly better condition today then it was when it was built.
“We are pleased to offer this outstanding award to the Thomas Spirit and its owners,” said. “We looked at many yachts and decided that the Thomas Spirit was the most deserving. Although we were informed that the vessel is for sale, the owner of the Thomas Spirit was delighted that his yacht received such outstanding recognition.”
The owners will receive a 3-foot trophy and an award plaque. In addition, will send award plaques to the crew and captain of the Thomas Spirit for their involvement in keeping the vessel in such pristine condition. said it considered yachts that were in both the and database.
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