NMMA moves Washington office
CHICAGO, Ill. – The National Marine Manufacturers Association has moved its (NMMA) government relations office for strategic reasons, the association reported in a statement today.
“This move is part of NMMA’s ongoing strategy to strengthen our legislative and regulatory advocacy on behalf of marine manufacturers and the boating industry at large and provides NMMA staff with closer and easier access to Members of Congress and their staffs,” said NMMA President Thom Dammrich.
The new location in the Hall of States Building is in the shadow of the Capitol Building, and the building’s tenant list reads like a Who’s Who of government and media in Washington, according to NMMA Vice President of Government Relations Monita Fontaine.
“The new NMMA office is located in the same building that houses all state governors’ offices, the National Governors Association, as well as the studios for C-SPAN, FOX and NBC,” said Fontaine.
The new address and contact information for the new location is as follows: NMMA, 444 N. Capitol St., NW, Suite 645, Washington, DC 20001; Phone: (202) 737-9750; Fax: (202) 628-4716.
MOAA and PWIA to move as well
The Marina Operators Association of America (MOAA) and Personal Watercraft Industry Association (PWIA) will join the NMMA government relations team in the new office by the end of April, according to NMMA. In the interim, the two associations have relocated to a different suite in their current building. The new address for MOAA and PWIA is: 1819 L Street, NW, Suite 410,
Washington, DC 20036.
The phone and fax numbers for PWIA and MOAA staff will remain the same until their office relocation in the spring.
Fontaine said the move for PWIA and MOAA is scheduled to be completed in time for the American Boating Congress, being held May 3-4 at the Loews L’Enfant Plaza Hotel.
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