Vision Marine files Proprietary Battery Encryption System patent

Vision Marine Technologies has filed a patent application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a Battery Authentication Encryption Technology. This system is designed to securely integrate proprietary components within the E-Motion Electric Powertrain, prevent third-party substitution and gather valuable boaters’ data.

“The importance of system security cannot be overstated as we transition into a digital marine era,” said Xavier Montagne, chief technology officer at Vision Marine Technologies. “This patent application is the result of several years of research and development to make high-voltage systems compatible with the nautical field. Our unique skills in electronics and embedded software and our long experience in electric propulsion have made it happen.”

The technology employs a sophisticated Battery Management Controller (BMC) to authenticate components within the powertrain. This helps ensure that only Vision Marine’s proprietary components function in harmony with the system, eliminating risks associated with third-party substitutions that could compromise performance or safety. It also enables the collection and analysis of boaters’ data, a critical component in driving superior system performance and customer satisfaction.

“Our investment in developing a robust data-driven system is now yielding significant benefits,” said Alexandre Mongeon, CEO of Vision Marine Technologies. “By empowering Xavier Montagne and his team to focus on building this cutting-edge technology, we’ve created a platform that enhances system functionality while providing valuable insights through data analysis. This approach not only improves our products and services but also highlights the scalability and long-term value of our business for investors.”

The data gathered from Vision Marine’s proprietary system allows the company to continually optimize product performance and deliver tailored solutions for boat manufacturers and boaters. This data-rich foundation improves system reliability and serves as a strategic asset that drives innovation, supports customer retention and unlocks potential new revenue streams.

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