NMMA, CSP host IBEX event on vessel speed restrictions

Earlier this week, the NMMA and Center for Sportfishing Policy hosted an industry panel covering the latest developments related to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) proposed vessel speed restrictions on the Atlantic Coast and Gulf of Mexico at the International Boat Builders’ Exhibition and Conference (IBEX) in Tampa.

Panelists included: Jeff Angers, Center for Sportfishing Policy; John DePersenaire, Viking Yachts; Paul Ryan, DCI Group; and Callie Hoyt, National Marine Manufacturers Association. The panelists covered the current regulatory state of play, the initiatives taken by the marine industry in effort to educate and inform impacted stakeholders, and the pathway forward to protecting coastal economies, access to recreational boating and fishing, and marine wildlife.

The recreational boating and fishing community is actively working on a data-driven, technological solution focused on protecting the North Atlantic right whale and other endangered marine mammals. The panelists discussed their desire for an ongoing and constructive dialogue with NOAA in order to reach a solution together.

While the marine industry continues to advocate for a more balanced solution, the panelists stressed the importance of stakeholder outreach to members of congress, state legislators and community leaders on how this rule will impact their businesses and access to public waters.

Recreational boating and fishing community stakeholders interested in voicing their concerns with NOAA’s proposed rule expansion are encouraged to take action today on Boating United here.

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