Boating United urges support of SHARE Act
Boating United is urging boating businesses and boaters to support H.R. 2406 (the SHARE Act)—a comprehensive sportsmen’s focused piece of legislation that includes critical language ensuring access to our nation’s public waters.
The House of Representatives is scheduled to start voting on the bill Thursday.
A provision of the SHARE Act requires the National Park Service and NOAA marine sanctuaries to work together with state fisheries agencies before recreational or commercial fishing access is restricted. According to Boating United, this would help reverse efforts at Biscayne National Park to establish a 10,000 acre marine reserve and ensure state agencies have a seat at the table for future management discussions.
Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., is planning to offer an amendment to the bill that would strip that language from the SHARE Act.
Boating United is asking boating stakeholders to contact their members of Congress and urge them to vote “no” on the amendment.
Find more information at Boating United.