IBEX 2015 presents ‘Future Materials’ a new hands-on exhibit
LOUISVILLE, Ky. – One of the new feature areas being planned for The 25th International BoatBuilders’ Exhibition & Conference (IBEX) will focus on “Future Materials”, a new hands-on exhibit at the center of the Composites Pavilion. Curated by editors from Professional BoatBuilder and CompositesWorld magazines, this collection of new materials, processes, and technologies will be gathered from a wide variety of sources including marine, aerospace, and automotive industries, plus some applied academic research and development.
“The goal for the Future Materials exhibit is to present a mix of innovative near-term practical applications for boatbuilders as well as ideas to inspire novel solutions to present and future challenges in composites design, fabrication, end-use marketing, recycling, and repair,” said Aaron Porter, editor of Professional BoatBuilder magazine. “It has been eye-opening and inspiring to focus Composites World’s broad knowledge of a full range of new composites technologies and trends on toward the unique needs of boat designers and builders at IBEX. I think the potential in some of these advancements will surprise even experienced marine composites techs.”
Composites materials manufacturers with cutting-edge ideas and approaches that have not yet made it to the mainstream of composite boatbuilding can submit samples and descriptions to be reviewed for consideration. Click here for the application or email entries to Aaron Porter at aaron.porter@proboat.com and Ginger Gardiner at ggardiner@compositesworld.com. The deadline for entries is Friday, May 8, 2015. Please note that final selections for this exhibit space will be made by Professional BoatBuilder and CompositesWorld magazine editors.
“We look forward to working with the editors of these two industry leading publications to bring the most innovative products to the IBEX show floor,” said Anne Dunbar, IBEX Show Director. “The Future Materials exhibit will be featured in the Composites Pavilion which has become the center of marine industry composite technology.”
Over 70 companies have already signed on to exhibit in the Pavilion and will offer composite industry demos in over 14,000 square feet of exhibit space. In 2015 the Composite Challenge & Cocktail Competition will return. This exclusive networking event will take place in the Pavilion on the opening day of the show and is an opportunity for attendees to engage directly with composites pavilion exhibitors to see and discuss the latest marine composites technology.
IBEX, the largest trade event for boat building, design, and maintenance, celebrates over two decades of marine innovation, technology, and excellence. The 2015 event will convene at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, KY from Tuesday, September 15 through Thursday, September 17, 2015. Pre-conference Super Sessions to be held on Monday, September 14. Special events include the IBEX Innovation Awards, Industry Breakfast, Opening Night Reception, Bourbon & Brew Happy Hour, and Feature Areas including the Connected Boat, 3D Workshop, IBEX Fleet, and much more.