Brunswick reports safety award winners

LAKE FOREST, Ill. – Brunswick Corp. has named the recipients of its safety award program for 2009, according to a recent statement from the boat builder.

For 2009, three facilities received the company’s highest award, the Chairman’s Safety Award, while 28 additional facilities were recognized with Distinguished Awards for their 2009 safety performance. Additionally, 39 facilities were cited for achieving no lost-time incidents during 2009.

The three facilities awarded with the Chairman’s Safety Award are:

  • Edgewater, Fla., Brunswick Commercial and Government Products;
  • Juarez, Mexico, Mercury Marine; and
  • Palm Coast, Fla., Sea Ray Boats.

As Chairman’s Safety Award recipients, each of these facilities will receive a $10,000 grant from Brunswick, which will be donated to a local charity chosen by the plant. Additionally, Palm Coast has achieved 4.3 million hours without a lost-time incident over the past several years.

The 28 facilities were recognized with Distinguished Awards are:

  • Atlanta, Ga., Mercury Marine Distribution Center Plant 73;
  • Benton, Ark., Land N Sea;
  • Dandridge, Tenn., US Marine;
  • Edgewater, Fla., Boston Whaler;
  • Fond du Lac, Wis., Mercury Marine Parts & Accessories Plant 3;
  • Fort Wayne, Ind., BBG Operations;
  • Hayward, Calif., Mercury Marine Regional Distribution Center Plant 75;
  • Houston, Texas, Land N Sea;
  • Kansas City, Mo., Land N Sea;
  • Kent, Wash., Diversified Marine Products;
  • Knoxville, Tenn., Sea Ray Boats;
  • Lake Suzy, Fla., Land N Sea;
  • Lawrenceville, Ga., Land N Sea;
  • Lebanon, Mo., Lowe Boats;
  • Merritt Island, Fla., Sea Ray Boats Sykes Creek;
  • Merritt Island, Fla., Product Development and Engineering;
  • Miami, Fla., Mercury Marine Regional Distribution Center Plant 97;
  • Mississauga, Ontario, Mercury Marine Plant 20;
  • Muskegon, Mich., Brunswick Bowling and Billiards;
  • New Bern, N.C., Hatteras Yachts;
  • Norfolk, Va., Land N Sea;
  • Pompano Beach, Fla., Land N Sea;
  • Reynosa, Mexico, Brunswick Bowling and Billiards;
  • Shreveport, La., Land N Sea;
  • Suzhou, China, Mercury Marine Outboards Plant 58;
  • Taycheedah, Wis., Mercury Marine Racing Plant 36;
  • Vonore, Tenn., Sea Ray Boats Tellico, and
  • White Bear Lake, Minn., Land N Sea.

Other facilities noted for their safety achievements include the Knoxville and Vonore, Tenn., plants, which have achieved 2 million and 1.6 million continuous hours without sustaining a lost-time incident, respectively. Brunswick’s Boston Whaler plant in Edgewater, Fla., also has logged 1.8 million hours without a lost-time incident. Meanwhile, Mercury Plants 3, 4 and 36 in Fond du Lac, Wis., as well as Product Development and Engineering in Merritt Island, Fla., have all achieved the 1 million hours mark.

“The purpose of the program is to encourage, recognize and reward employees and facilities that have achieved outstanding safety and health performance through promoting and practicing safety awareness, ultimately minimizing workplace incidents and injuries,” the company said in its statement. “All Brunswick manufacturing and distribution facilities worldwide are eligible for such recognition.”

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