Attendee Information
The Marine Dealer Conference & Expo will begin on-site registration at 8 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 16. The exhibit hall, with boat builders, engine manufacturers and suppliers showcasing and demonstrating product, will open at noon the same day. Early-bird registration for the event, which ends Sept. 25, 2009, is $349, and additional employees from the same dealership can register at the reduced rate of $329. After that date, registration will be $399.
The registration fee gives you full access to all exhibits, educational components, breakfasts, lunches, breaks and cocktail receptions. You’ll also receive a registration packet, educational documentation and supporting materials and the best dealer networking opportunity of the year.
Want to know more? E-mail Matt Gruhn with any questions you may have.
Register NOW! Download the registration form here.
Top 100 Dealers Program
For the second year in a row, Boating Industry’s Top 100 Dealers Gala will be open to all marine dealers who attend the MDCE and who have pre-registered. This black-tie gala begins with a cocktail reception at 6 p.m. on the final evening of the MDCE. It then moves into the entertainment and The Official Countdown from No. 100 to No. 1, and the evening wraps up with an after celebration and networking event from 10 p.m to midnight. Tickets, which cost $175, must be purchased in advance as there will be no on-site ticket sales for this event. After you have registered for MDCE, you will be e-mailed an invitation to this event. In the meantime, if you have any questions, e-mail Lori Hackett.
Exhibiting and Sponsoring Companies