NMMA to present new Directors’ Discover Boating Awards
CHICAGO, Ill. – The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) has restructured their Directors’ Award as the new Directors’ Discover Boating Awards. The awards will recognize outstanding journalism that informs the general public about the pleasures of recreational boating, the association reported yesterday.
Annual awards will be presented in five categories: newspapers with a circulation under 100,000, newspapers with a circulation over 100,000, magazines, electronic broadcast (television or radio) with an audience under 100,000, and electronic broadcast (television or radio) with an audience over 100,000.
A $1,000 cash prize and a Discover Boating trophy will be presented to each of the winners at the annual press breakfast at the Miami International Boat Show on Thursday, February 12, the association stated.
Judges will select winners based on a welcoming, positive or intriguing portrayal of boating reaching a non-boating audience, the ability to encourage the audience to try boating, originality and creativity. All submissions must be for stories published or segments broadcast in the United States during the 2003 calendar year in a non-boating medium.
Entries must include: a completed entry form, two copies of the article or segment program submitted (provided in a tangible form such as clippings, videos or other proof of publication or broadcast), and a brief biographical sketch of the individuals being nominated. Entry forms are available online at www.nmma.org/press .
“We’re excited about the opportunity to salute and encourage the reporters, editors and producers who put boating in the spotlight through mainstream media,” said NMMA President Thom Dammrich.
Entries for 2003 should be sent to Laurie Fried, NMMA, Directors’ Discover Boating Awards, 200 E. Randolph Dr., Suite 5100, Chicago, IL 60601 to arrive no later than Monday, January 5.
For more information, contact Laurie Fried at (312) 946-6204, (lfried@nmma.org) or Rae van Maanen at (212) 984-7019, (rvanmaanen@nmma.org).
Stories published or broadcast during the 2004 calendar year will be eligible for 2004 Directors’ Discover Boating Awards. Applications for the 2004 awards will be available in the spring, the association reported.
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