RBFF begins trolling for new prospects
ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Angler’s Legacy, a program started by the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation to help grow fishing and boating participation through advertising and other communication channels, has begun, RBFF said in a recent release.
The first ad has already reached the marketplace, and more than 30 publications that serve anglers have agreed to donate ad space for the program. As Angler’s Legacy moves along, there will also be pro-staff and celebrity involvement.
By the end of summer, the campaign should reach more than 75 percent of all the avid anglers who read any boating and fishing media, according to RBFF.
“With 7.5 million avid anglers out there, we could gain a lot of new fishing and boating converts,” RBFF said. “Just how many, we’re about to find out.”
The program seeks to deliver the message “Take Someone Fishing.” RBFF hopes to increase sales of fishing boats, fishing equipment and fishing licenses, as well as create ongoing opportunities for marine retailers to connect with one of their most active market segments -the avid angler.
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