CDI Electronics schedules third Outboard Ignition School
MADISON, ALA. – CDI Electronics, the new product division of Rapair, Inc., has scheduled a third Outboard Ignition School, February 18-21, and also plans to add an advanced class in late 2004 for the dozens of students that have already participated in the 40-hour training sessions, it reported in a statement today.
CDI Electronics, sponsors of the outboard ignition systems training, said it decided to schedule the February class to meet the high demand for seats.
“The students from the first two classes were so impressed, they requested an advanced seminar,” said Ray Anders, president, CDI Electronics. “We have plans for two more basic classes next fall and we will now add an advanced class for those who have taken the basic training sessions or who can pass a written test exhibiting their knowledge of the outboard ignition systems.”
The first successful CDI Electronics Ignition School was held at the company’s Madison, Ala.-based manufacturing facility in late October, according to the company. The second session was held in early December and was filled to capacity.
Marine technicians from 16 states and Australia and Canada completed the first two hands-on courses and obtained both Certificates for Technical Achievement and shirt patches verifying their outboard electronic ignition training, the company reported.
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