Weekly 5: Powerboat shipments up in April

The BI Weekly 5 is a collection of tips, news and data affecting the boating industry this week. Be sure to look for the BI Weekly 5 every week on BoatingIndustry.com.

1. NMMA: Powerboat shipments up in April

Wholesale shipments of traditional powerboats for NMMA’s control group of manufacturers (representing 69 percent of the market) were up 2.8 percent through April, the association reports. Corresponding dollars were up 10.4 percent.

2. U.S government suspends plans to limit Lake Havasu boating

After protests and multiple efforts to block the proposal, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has suspended its proposal to limit recreational boating at Havasu National Wildlife Refuge.

Officials said they intend to release an updated proposal after the plan received mostly negative comments during its open comment period.

3. House committee passes red snapper management plan

H.R. 3094, the Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Management Authority Act, has been approved by the House Natural Resources Committee.

The bill, which provides a state-based solution to managing access to red snapper for anglers, was introduced by U.S. Rep. Garret Graves, R-La., and has 42 bipartisan co-sponsors.

4. Operation Dry Water focuses on this weekend

As part of the efforts to reduce boating under the influence, Operation Dry Water this weekend will focus on heightened enforcement across the country. Operation Dry Water is the year-round effort by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators to curtail BUI.

5. North Carolina creates new penalties for impaired boat drivers

The North Carolina state senate has passed a bill to toughen penalties for boaters who operate under the influence.

The bill would make death by impaired boating a class of felony punishable by a minimum of more than three years in prison. Under current law, the penalty for driving a boat while impaired is a misdemeanor.


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